Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Great Steaks

We had a truly fine last day for the 2017 season. Conditions were excellent and we topped it off with a steak fry that was well received. It was good to have Larry Pfieffer come out in threads that were truly striking. Good also to see Greg Noland who has been recovering from surgery. I am in continued amazement at the amazing rehab of Jack Conlon who had knee replacement surgery just a couple of months ago.

The body of this membership is to be congratulated for the wise selection of Jerry Kern as the President for the upcoming 2018 season. Jerry has long demonstrated his willingness to work sacrificially for this league. Please give him your full support going forward.

Congratulations to the team of Willis Hughes, Dave Zoller, Jim Hackathorn, and Steve Tice who won the scramble with a score of gross 61 and adjusted to 54.01.

Condolences to the team of Roger Goddard, Jim Stidham, Alan, Hall, and Ken Grose. Roger was the sad winner of the horses___ trophy and will have the obligation of carrying it into the 2018 season before he will have the opportunity to pass it to someone else.

There was one skin sharing $110.

Thanks to all of you for your support during this season. It has been a pleasure to serve.