Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Good Morning

I didn't get this post done last week. I had a zero mentality moment when I went out of town and took my laptop but forgot to take the results to post.

Yesterday we had 55 players under hot and humid conditions.

The highlight of yesterdays play was a dramatic pair of President's Cup semifinals. Roger Goddard faced off with defending champion Jerry Hurst, while Mike Poling met a red hot Barney Poole.  Roger held off Jerry to win 1 up. This projects to a real heavy weight battle between Poling and Goddard on August 15th.

Joe Crislip turned in a torrid round of 66 to take home first place in the A group, while Jerry Mason won the B group with a net score of 70, and Sandbagger Warfield won the C group with an actual round of 81 and a net of 63.

Bernie Buttrey might have been the big money winner as he recorded 4 skins with birdies on 4, 5, 13, and 16.

Next week we will play another four man team two best (net) balls with team skins.

We had another team that failed to turn in a scorecard. Please make sure that the person keeping your scores posts them in the computer and turns them in to us for scoring the places.

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