Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 12, 2017 Results

We had 44 golfers participating yesterday in a four man team two best net ball format.

Roger Goddard captained the helm of the hurricane force performance of his other three players. Dave Zoller and Jim Hackathorn each had a net 67 but Alan Hall was a category 9 force with a net 60. The team finished first with a net score of 31 under par 109.

Finishing second was the team of Jim Taylor, Jerry Kern, Ron Warfield, and Bill Packard.

The third place team was Ron Miracle, Don Kern, Jerry Mason, and Jim Metcalf.

Coming in fourth was the team of Jim Bussey, Tom Bobbitt, Jim Kennedy, and Earl Havens.

There was probably a record number of skins as 13 were recorded. There were only 5 holes where skins were not recorded. The winnings will be spread over 50 players and will be worth a major payout of $2 each.

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