Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Who Would Have Thought

I wouldn't have bet a nickel that we would get opening day play in. All of the weather forecasts for the last ten days were calling for rain all day.

When I saw Jerry Kern, I thought to myself that we would be the only two to show up. Wrong!

We had 44 brave individuals to come out and play with five new members.

I want to welcome Joe Crislip, Tom Bobbitt, Bill Packard, Bob Leach, and Jeff Everett as our newest members.

Conditions were really tough and the scores showed it, with heavy clouds, wet ground, and strong winds.

Mike (no show) Poling was the first one to complain and the low net among the A players. Mike was complaining about not using new handicap lists and said he wasn't going to play because he couldn't compete with his 6 handicap. He won top honors in his group as well as recording 2 skins. Not bad for not being able to compete.

Congratulations as well to other group winners - Pete Depond, and Phil Sigler.

If your name is on the payout lists, Give your green card to John to get your winnings updated.

The official results are attached below.

The ballots have not been counted as yet as we will hold the election over through next Tuesday's event for those that have not had the opportunity to vote.  

Next Tuesday's play will begin at 9 A.M.

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